Filippo Bigot is a renowned lawyer specializing in labor law, with a solid background in the employer sector.
He has over twenty years of experience providing legal advice and assistance to companies, professional organizations, and public entities in judicial and extrajudicial matters related to labor law.
He is an expert in labor and industrial relations and has developed a strong expertise in assisting clients on various labor law issues, including drafting employment contracts, managing employment relationships, individual and collective dismissals, company transfers, business branch sales, corporate restructuring, and negotiations with trade union representatives.
Over the years, focusing primarily on labor law, he has acquired a deep knowledge of all aspects related to the establishment, development, and management of employment relationships.
Together with the Fava & Associati law firm, which he joined in 2006 and became a partner shortly after in 2010, he successfully launched the labor law practice area, in which the firm is recognized as a national market leader.
Filippo Bigot is a member of AGI (avvocati giuslavoristi italiani), representing lawyers specializing in labor law, social security and welfare, and agency relationships.